What to Expect


Welcome to The North Wales Spine Clinic

Please Print and Complete this Form for your First Appointment

Your First Visit

  • Consultation

When you initially attend the clinic we will start with a discussion about you, your health concerns and your health goals. You will be asked for a great deal of information, not just about the pain or complaint that may have brought you, but about your past health history. To ensure that our approach is appropriate for your condition we will need to establish an overall health picture. If we feel that condition warrants it you will be referred to our GP or relevant specialist. Your details will remain confidential at all times.

  • Examination

Once your case history is complete, the Doctor of Chiropractic will examine you thoroughly. The examination will concentrate on your neurological, muscular and skeletal system (nerves, muscles and joints), but it may also be necessary to examine other areas such as your heart, lungs and abdomen to confirm accurate diagnosis; this thorough check up is a normal procedure at The North Wales Spine Clinic. Personal gowns are made available for you to wear for the examination, as well as any following treatments. After the initial consultation and examination, we may offer you treatment once you have heard and understood your Report of Findings. However, treatment may be delayed for a day or two if we need to take or view X-rays, perform urine tests or obtain further information from your GP (for example blood test results) and where appropriate, refer you for an MRI/CT scan.

Your Second Visit

  • Report of findings

Before treatment starts, we will tell you, in clear, simple language, what is wrong and what can be done about it. – a Diagnosis and a Prognosis. You will be advised about any particular need for exercise based rehabilitation, or recommended changes to your lifestyle, occupational environment or diet.  We encourage you to take an active part in the healing process to speed up the improvements. You will be advised of all costs that relate to your future care. We will also tell you of any likelihood of a recurrence of your problem, and the possible need for any ongoing care.

  • Treatment

Treatment involves safe, often gentle, specific manual adjustments, done by hand, to free joints in the spine or other areas of the body that are not moving properly. Most often, this requires a short, highly skilled thrust to a joint that can result in an audible release, and may bring relief of symptoms as well as an increased feeling of well-being. The audible release is simply the sound of bubbles of gas popping in the fluid of the joint as the pressure is released. Apart from the adjustment, we may use a wide variety of techniques including ice, heat, Acupuncture, Physiotherapy and Osteopathy based techniques and specific rehabilitation exercises. If you have questions about any of these, just ask.

We treat problems with your joints, bones and muscles, and the effects they may have on your nervous system. We work on all the joints of your body, making gentle, specific adjustments to improve the efficiency of your nervous system and decrease the chance of further tissue damage. Our care does not involve the use of any drugs or surgery. Our emphasis is on long-term solutions for muscular and skeletal complaints. In order to fulfil this objective for patients we ask that you work with us as a team and attend our educational workshops and corrective exercise seminars as prescribed by the Doctor of Chiropractic.

  • Cancellation & Rescheduling policy

Your appointments and the time allocated for your appointment is very important.  Should you wish to cancel or reschedule please allow at least 24 hours notice. Following this policy incurs no charge.

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